We at ALANTE Real Estate are dog lovers. Whether we have one of our own, have owned in the past or just enjoy the general company of a pooch we just love our furry friends! We have partnered with Pam Summers of DogEtiquette.info to bring you some great insight regarding the sale of your home and how your pup can effect a timely transaction. Check it out…
The occupants of your home – at least the four-legged ones – play a pivotal role in its resale value. Between damage, odors, and uncomfortable encounters, buyers tend to prefer pet-free properties. However, once you understand how your pet’s presence looks, feels, and smells, you’ll be in a better position to list your home with confidence.
Having a pet indoors is problematic for many reasons. First, a pet on-site during a real estate showing or open house put your buyers in an uncomfortable position. If your dog is aggressive, you put yourself in danger of a lawsuit if he decides to defend his territory with his teeth, according to David Goguen of USF School of Law. Additionally, millions of Americans suffer with dog allergies and simply being in the same room with a dog can trigger an unpleasant reaction that leaves them with negative feelings associated with your home. Food, toys, bowls, and bedding can make your home look untidy, further perpetuating a buyer’s negative experience.
Schedule your showings for specific times when you can have your dog removed from the property. When you can’t be around, enlist a friend, neighbor, or trusted dog walker to help Fido make his exit. If you have an open house planned, find a place to board your dog from the evening prior until an hour after the event is supposed to end. This will give you time to clean and set the stage for a successful showing.
More than just a messy floor, dogs leave their scent everywhere they sit, stay, or stand. While you have long succumbed to olfactory fatigue, your buyers noses are coming through the front door with no prior notion of the interior atmosphere. Bad smells left behind by bathroom accidents and substandard grooming may send your buyers running before they’ve had the opportunity to fully inspect the home.
Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can remedy dog odors in the air. The most expensive (but most effective) is having the carpet removed and replaced. If you have hardwood, remove area rugs and mop the floor with a lemon-scented cleaner, which will offset any lingering odors. Leave the windows open if possible. Avoid the temptation to light candles or spray harsh chemicals in the air as these tend to mask, instead of eliminate, odors and may be more offensive to sensitive individuals.
Urine turf damage is one of the most visually displeasing issues your dog creates. Lawn Care Academy reports that female canines are notorious for leaving brown spots all over the lawn since they tend to relieve themselves in one location. Males move around happily marking their territory. Even more concerning are the deep holes your dog may have dug in an attempt to locate a buried treasure. Dips and divots in the landscape increase your buyers’ chances of falling on your property; you may be responsible for medical bills associated with injuries.
To fix urine burn, water the lawn after your dog does her business. Severely damaged areas will take several weeks to show improvement, so re-sod the more visible locations to up your curb appeal. A quick trip to the hardware store or garden center will turn up everything you need to fill holes. A cheap bag of topsoil and a few grass seeds will go a long way toward the safety and saleability of the property.
Once your home is under contract, take steps to ensure your dog doesn’t create further damage. On moving day, leave Fido safely in the care a responsible pet sitter to avoid a potential confrontation with the movers and to keep his anxiety to a minimum. Upon arrival at your new home, give Spot plenty of time to investigate before heading out to an off-leash area to let him burn off some pent up energy. You’ll be glad he’s had a chance to calm down enough to enjoy your first night together under a new roof.
New to the area? Check out Nelson Memorial Park and Ellis Harbor State Park in Plymouth, or Wompatuck State Park and World’s End in Hingham for pup-pleasing outings that will help your entire family get acquainted with your new hometown.
Written by guest blogger Pam Summers of dogetiquette.info