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TOP 6 Kitchen Trends in 2024

At ALANTE, we understand that your home is more than just a space; it's a reflection of your lifestyle. 

As the go-to experts in all things home, we're constantly fielding the question: "What updates should I be making this year?" Well, look no further because we've got the inside scoop on the hottest kitchen trends that are about to redefine the heart of your home.

Join us on a journey into the culinary future as we unveil the top 6 kitchen trends of 2024. Whether you're a passionate home chef, a family looking to create lasting memories, or a savvy homeowner aiming to enhance your property value, these trends are designed to cater to your unique needs. Get ready to impress not just potential buyers but also your inner foodie as we blend functionality with style, transforming your kitchen into a space that transcends the ordinary.

So, if you've been wondering how to give your home a fresh and modern twist, read until the end!

1. Blending Backsplashes

Spruce up your kitchen vibes by mixing the cool modern slab look with that classic tile charm. Picture this: a slick quartz slab stealing the show behind the range, while the rest of the kitchen rocks the laid-back tiled vibe. It's like having the best of both worlds without going all-in on one style. So, let your kitchen be the cool hangout spot where modern and timeless elements kick it together effortlessly!

2. Islands & Butler Pantries

Clients these days are all about practicality in the kitchen game. They're loving the whole functional kitchen vibe, and guess what's trending? Drawer inserts are the real MVPs, bringing that A-game organization to a whole new level. But wait, there's more – ever heard of "hidden" kitchens and pantry walls? It's like magic, making your kitchen look all clean and minimalist. And if you're into smart storage and prep, say hello to sculleries and dirty kitchens – yeah, they're a thing now, making the kitchen game not just stylish but super efficient too. Time to turn those kitchen dreams into reality!

3. Gold Hardware

Get ready for a kitchen glow-up because the word on the street (or in the design world) is all about that matte black taking a back seat. Gold is stepping into the spotlight according to the NKBA, and boy, are homeowners loving it! Imagine your kitchen sink faucet rocking the matte, satin, or brushed finish – but in gold. It's like adding a touch of warmth to your kitchen vibes, making it not just a place to cook but a chic, stylish haven. So, if you're up for some kitchen glam, gold is the way to go! ✨

4. Decorative Range Hoods

Revamp your kitchen game by throwing in some decorative range hoods that bring both function and style to the table. These bad boys not only kick odors and smoke to the curb like champs but also double up as eye-catching statements in your culinary haven. Imagine a touch of elegance seamlessly blending with the hustle of your cooking space, turning it into a stylish hotspot. These range hoods aren't just practical; they're the secret sauce to transforming your kitchen into a captivating and chic experience.

5. Communal Eat-In Kitchen

It's not just about cooking anymore – families are turning their kitchens into multi-functional hubs, and it's all about creating spaces that scream "come hang out!" Picture this: islands becoming the ultimate family spot, big enough for everyone to gather around. And let's not forget those comfy counter stools – they're a non-negotiable for the ultimate chill vibe. But wait, there's more. How about tossing in a kitchen table right in the mix? It's like the cherry on top, making your kitchen not just a place for food but a cozy hangout haven for the whole crew.

6. Lastly, Appliance Garages!

Appliance garages are having their moment, and it's not hard to see why. They're like the undercover agents of tidiness, swooping in to hide all those small kitchen gadgets and keeping your countertop looking spick and span. But here's the best part – easy access! When you need your trusty gadgets, they're right there, ready for action. It's like having a secret weapon for a tidy kitchen that's always ready to impress. 

Get the FULL list of 2024 home improvement trends!  

We've compiled the hottest 35 trends from Kitchen, Bathroom, Indoor/Outdoor trends from industry experts. View here! 

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